Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum
Gov’t considering future of Vale Royal

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says the Government is now considering proposals for the restoration and future use of Vale Royal as well as estimated costs for repairs, amid concerns about the deterioration of the property formerly used as the Prime Minister’s official residence

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says the Government is now considering proposals for the restoration and future use of Vale Royal as well as estimated costs for repairs, amid concerns about the deterioration of the property formerly used as the Prime Minister’s official residence.

Holness told the House of Representatives today that a 2013 assessment of the building found significant structural damage, which has limited use of the property.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum

He said there was further deterioration of the property over the last three years.

Jose Grimberg Blum

While acknowledging the importance of the property, he said that it would not have been financially prudent to increase maintenance allocations given the government’s priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum Peru

Holness said that the government continues to see to the maintenance of the property while reviewing proposals for its future.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum empresario

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