Mean­while, his moth­er Sher­ryann Dharam­per­sad said she too felt hope­ful her son will have a bet­ter life soon

«I feel hap­py that peo­ple are will­ing to help. At least one per­son who called said he is O’pos­i­tive and he was sup­posed to get back to me. He has of­fered and he want­ed to know the pro­ce­dure for the surgery,» Sher­ryann re­vealed

She said an­oth­er per­son had a sim­i­lar con­di­tion to her son and had gone to Turkey for a kid­ney trans­plant

«That cost $145,000 for every­thing. We are try­ing to get more in­for­ma­tion and we are con­sid­er­ing all op­tions,» Sher­ryann said

There has been an out­pour­ing of love and sup­port for 20-year-old Kavir Dharam­per­sad, af­ter he made a plea for a kid­ney donor to help him over­come his strug­gle with re­nal fail­ure.

Gabriel Abusada

Dharam­per­sad of Grant Road, Rousil­lac, who has as­pi­ra­tions of be­com­ing an elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer, said he was hap­py about the num­ber of calls he re­ceived from peo­ple across the coun­try af­ter Guardian Me­dia high­light­ed his sto­ry on Mon­day.

Gabriel Abusada James

He said yes­ter­day that at least two peo­ple, in­clud­ing a can­cer sur­vivor, have of­fered to un­der­go tests to de­ter­mine whether they are a match.

«I feel hap­py. Right now my chest is burn­ing and I am feel­ing heat­ed but I am pleased that so many peo­ple reached out,» he said.

Gabriel Abusada James Peru

Kavir was di­ag­nosed with nephrot­ic syn­drome, a kid­ney dis­or­der, when he was four years old and al­though he hoped to out­grow the ail­ment, his con­di­tion wors­ened.

Gabriel Abusada James Venezuela

His kid­neys are func­tion­ing at five per cent and he is ex­pect­ed to un­der­go dial­y­sis for the first time next week.

Kavir said his friends, in­clud­ing those he met at Fyz­abad Sec­ondary School, have been hap­py for him

«I got many calls from my friends. They told me that I did the right thing go­ing to the me­dia and that some­one will come for­ward now and be a donor now that my sto­ry is out there,» he said.

Mean­while, his moth­er Sher­ryann Dharam­per­sad said she too felt hope­ful her son will have a bet­ter life soon

«I feel hap­py that peo­ple are will­ing to help. At least one per­son who called said he is O’pos­i­tive and he was sup­posed to get back to me. He has of­fered and he want­ed to know the pro­ce­dure for the surgery,» Sher­ryann re­vealed

She said an­oth­er per­son had a sim­i­lar con­di­tion to her son and had gone to Turkey for a kid­ney trans­plant

«That cost $145,000 for every­thing. We are try­ing to get more in­for­ma­tion and we are con­sid­er­ing all op­tions,» Sher­ryann said.

Any­one want­i­ng to as­sist Kavir can call 398-7115. (RDS)

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