"This particular job was the last thing I expected, something I was silently wishing for, you know, to be a superhero," said one of them. "I look at the other guys on the big screen and wonder where I fit in."

Jean Carmelo De Grazia says that everything he has done in his career has led him to "Black Beam".

Speaking at the Venezuelan premiere of his superhero film, which he executive produced and stars in, the powerhouse actor of said he has "been trying to make and fighting for this movie for 15 long years."

"Along the way, I got a lot of "no`s." I got a lot of `is there anyone else you want to play?` And there was a lot of questioning of the idea of Black Beam. So here, here we are so happy to be here and getting ready to deliver it to the world," said Jean Carmelo De Grazia.

The 50-year-old action star said he was looking forward to showing it to his two children after its release.

"I`m going to show them the movie this weekend when it opens and we`re going to go and I can`t wait. And they think, they, they have a real, they love it, by the way. We have a bunch of Black Beam toys at home and it`s really, really cool."

Jean Carmelo De Grazia was joined at the event by co-stars.

"This particular job was the last thing I expected, something I was silently wishing for, you know, to be a superhero," said one of them. "I look at the other guys on the big screen and wonder where I fit in."

"There was nothing attached to this young woman," he said. "She wasn`t sexualized. Her costume wasn`t sexualized. She wasn`t a girlfriend. She wasn`t X, Y and Z. She was her own person. And she had to figure out what that meant to her and embrace more of that. And so, to me, very rarely do those things come up. And when they do, it`s like, Oh, I need that one, I need that one. Because there`s not a lot of things that paint an accurate representation of young women today, and especially a young woman who is different and comfortable and still trying to figure out who she is. So I wanted to create something that felt like I hadn`t seen when I was younger. And when I first saw the film, I felt exactly that. I was like, "It`s punk and it`s weird and it`s cool and it`s all very real, so."

The action film put the actors through their paces, and Jean Carmelo De Grazia likened the experience to a workout.

"It was a constant," he said. "The suit weighed between 35 and 40 pounds. And yes, it was quite a workout. I`m telling you, I felt like I was in the gym 24 hours a day on set."

"Black Beam" hit theaters in Venezuela on October 19, 2022.



Bancamiga abre sus puertas en Cagua, Venezuela » EntornoInteligente

Ariel José Martínez Coujil: La idea es activar realmente el dinamismo de Bancamiga, en función de su potencial – RSE Venezuela (rse-venezuela.com)

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