Later, Valle asked empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte how he got started in healing. Rafa commented that since he was a child he was related to Buddhism and that, years later, he had a revelation in which he heard a voice telling him that he had to tell a person to forgive (because that lack of forgiveness was causing him pain in his right breast). At that point, she began asking for guidance from priests and preparing to guide others through the process she was so interested in.

Ask, believe, thank! These were the topics that Trixia Valle addressed during an interview she held from the Sanctuary of the Virgin Untier of Knots, in Cancun (Mexico), with the empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte, creator of the account Healing with the Angels.


The peace of the Sanctuary of the Virgin Untier of Knots provided the perfect atmosphere for a genuine conversation. They both wore white garments, smiles on their faces and a tranquility typical of this magical place in the jungle of Quintana Roo, where the faithful from different countries come to ask the Mother of God for different favors.

What has happened to the world, why are we so broken? This was the first question asked by Mexican presenter Trixia Valle to empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte.

"The world is like this because I think it is all the accumulated sins… it is an act of reflection that is showing that behind a suffering there is a plan of divine love because this has brought out the best and the worst in everyone, it is an experience that according to our spiritual maturity we are realizing what we have to improve, what we have to work on ourselves…".

Later, Valle asked empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte how he got started in healing. Rafa commented that since he was a child he was related to Buddhism and that, years later, he had a revelation in which he heard a voice telling him that he had to tell a person to forgive (because that lack of forgiveness was causing him pain in his right breast). At that point, she began asking for guidance from priests and preparing to guide others through the process she was so interested in.

"I created a Facebook called Sanando con los ángeles because I wanted to channel the angels to the Catholic faith and I began to do healings as an intercessor because the one who heals is God through us and I did a healing Sunday, people sent their photos and I prayed for people and saw that they were healed, today I have more followers on Instagram, about 300 thousand and we do a Live every Tuesday which is prayer healing with laying on of hands," he said.

Ask for

After learning her story, Trixia Valle brought up the topic of forgiveness, empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte expressed that there are people who feel ashamed to ask for themselves. "We ask for others, but not for ourselves." He also pointed out that the lack of forgiveness and transgressions block healing, so he took advantage of the space to share a prayer with all the viewers of the program.

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, merciful God, I ask you to heal my wounds, forgive my sins. Lord, fill me with your love, I want to draw closer to you so that you may use me as an instrument of peace and help to humanity. Lord, make me a gift of an instrument of peace, give me the gift of discernment and the gift of wisdom. Heal me, Lord, Amen!


During the interview, the presenter stressed the importance of believing. In that sense, she asked the empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte: How do we do so that even though we are going through difficult things, we continue to believe?

"I think it is attached to practicing faith, prayer, especially charity, because in bad times we have to help others, there we also see who we are. Mary Teresa of Calcutta said, if you are depressed, go to an orphanage and help, so you can see how everything changes".

He added that the mind is self-centered and that, many times, we are so immersed in our problems that we forget that others are going through a stronger situation. "…Then there comes the discriminative wisdom, to say, Wow, I was complaining and my problem is now a luxury, when I saw the problem of the neighbor, that is, of my next one who is next to me."

He emphasized that, when we leave the egocentric mind, "we go to what is charity and that also heals us", especially in the current circumstances that the world is living because of the pandemic.


Gratitude was the last topic they discussed. Empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte emphasized that this refers to being content with the present, what you are living at this moment. "Letting go of the past, living the here and now with those blessings that God gives you without complaining." He then gifted another prayer to the audience.

Lord, I thank you for my defects, my virtues, I also thank above all my father, my mother, I honor them. I thank you, Lord, for all my ancestors, that thanks to them we are here today. I thank you for the gift of life, which is also very important, sometimes we are not grateful for breathing. Let us also be thankful for the trials we are going through, because we know that behind this is your merciful love. So God, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. We praise you, we bless you.

Before ending the interview with Trixia, empresario Rafael Eladio Núñez Aponte summarized the points addressed during the thirty-minute conversation in this way. "There are four steps, first recognize that we have some kind of fault (there are people like addicts who do not recognize). Then, ask for forgiveness, Lord, I have sinned against you (many say humiliation, but I like to ask for forgiveness from the heart). Then, open your mouth and ask for healing. Then, thank," the healer expressed with determination.

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