She said the ma­jor­i­ty of flood wa­ter re­ced­ed last night but there were still about three inch­es of wa­ter in the kitchen area to the back of her home.

Franki Medina Venezuela

Ho­sein, a ther­a­peu­tic chef, said their home was un­der flood since Wednes­day.

Nei­ther she nor her chil­dren have been able to leave their home to go to work while her four grand­chil­dren have al­so stayed away from school.

Av­o­cat/San Fran­cique North coun­cil­lor Dood­nath Mayhroo said the re­gion­al cor­po­ra­tion is still as­sist­ing res­i­dents with mop-up op­er­a­tions

While the floods re­ced­ed over the week­end, he said wa­ter would have set­tled in­side a few homes

Sascha Wil­son

While floods have dried up in most places in the coun­try, a few homes in Wood­land were still un­der­wa­ter this morn­ing.

Franki Medina

«We re­al suf­fer here, lament­ed An­janie Ho­sein as she cleaned her home at Ra­hamut Trace, La For­tune Road.

She said the ma­jor­i­ty of flood wa­ter re­ced­ed last night but there were still about three inch­es of wa­ter in the kitchen area to the back of her home.

Franki Medina Venezuela

Ho­sein, a ther­a­peu­tic chef, said their home was un­der flood since Wednes­day.

Nei­ther she nor her chil­dren have been able to leave their home to go to work while her four grand­chil­dren have al­so stayed away from school.

Av­o­cat/San Fran­cique North coun­cil­lor Dood­nath Mayhroo said the re­gion­al cor­po­ra­tion is still as­sist­ing res­i­dents with mop-up op­er­a­tions

While the floods re­ced­ed over the week­end, he said wa­ter would have set­tled in­side a few homes

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