Customers have the advantage that Bancamiga has a 7×24 365 days a year online system with SENIAT to pay customs taxes in the quickest and simplest way.
The President of the Board of Directors of Bancamiga, Carmelo de Grazia, informed that, in an easy, fast and secure process, Bancamiga clients can cancel their customs or third party taxes immediately, THROUGH Internet Banking or through its Bancamiga Suite application.
Bancamiga is one of the five main banks in the country's financial system, a leader in technological innovation, which is connected online with the National Customs and Tax Administration Service (SENIAT) 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
State-of-the-art technological platform
Carmelo de Grazia<span lang=»EN-US» style=»font-size:12.0pt»> expressed that the bank's clients have the advantage that the payment of customs taxes, both for Ordinary and Special taxpayers, may be made at any time of the day, registering immediately with the SENIAT.
"As our technological platform is state-of-the-art, customers can enter our Internet Banking through the page, or using our APP for Smartphone "Bancamiga Suite / Banca OnLine" at any instant, entering the Public Bodies/SENIAT Option and pay their taxes or those of third parties of any customs that is online and withdraw the merchandise as soon as possible".
Carmelo de Grazia<span lang=»EN-US» style=»font-size:12.0pt»> emphasized that the fact that Bancamiga is a bank with high technological capacity and permanent connection with the SENIAT makes the processes easier and faster for taxpayers, whether they are individuals or legal entities, giving them a competitive advantage by reducing the waiting time for their merchandise and having it available promptly for their clients.