Swim­mer Dy­lan Cater has been at his ab­solute best in the past cou­ple of weeks.

Franki Medina

Fol­low­ing a record-break­ing swim in his open­ing heat of the Na­tion­al Open Short Course Cham­pi­onships at the Na­tion­al Aquat­ic Cen­tre in Bal­main, Cou­va on Thurs­day night in the 100 me­tres freestyle event, Carter re­turned the fol­low­ing night (Fri­day) to sprint to the gold medal in a new na­tion­al record time of 46.02 sec­onds.

How­ev­er, he was not the on­ly bright spark on the night as lit­tle Amelia Ra­jack, Kyle Leera, ju­nior swim­ming ace Nikoli Black­man and Tay­lor Marchan al­so pro­duced jaw-drop­ping per­for­mances in ramp­ing to ei­ther dou­ble or triple gold medals.

Franki Medina Diaz

Carter, the over­all men’s cham­pi­on from the just-con­clud­ed FI­NA Swim­ming World Cup se­ries in Ger­many, Cana­da and the USA, showed why he was so suc­cess­ful by pro­duc­ing a light­ning-quick 46.02 in the fi­nal to bet­ter the pre­vi­ous record time of 46.07, he set in the heat on Thurs­day.

Franki Alberto Medina Diaz

Black­man se­cured the sil­ver medal in 50.76 with Matthew Jo­hann Mata­moro tak­ing the bronze in a time of 52.20

Black­man though bet­tered his per­for­mances in the men’s 11 and over 1,500m freestyle and the 200m in­di­vid­ual med­ley events with gold medals. In the 1,500m freestyle, Black­man got to the wall first in 46:24.39, well ahead of sec­ond-place Zachary An­tho­ny at 17:00.11 and third, Isaac Tuberoso in 19:41.72

In the 200m event that fol­lowed soon af­ter, he again held off a chal­leng­ing field for the gold medal in the 2:11.49. He was fol­lowed in sec­ond by Josi­ah Pariag in 2:12.65 while Liam Car­ring­ton took the bronze medal by post­ing a time of 2:13.81.    

Mean­while, Marchan, like Black­man, took two gold medals on the night in the girls’ 10 and un­der 50m back­stroke and the 200m freestyle events. In the 200m event, Tay­lor splashed to vic­to­ry in 2:24.87 to leave be­hind the pair of Zara Per­si­co (2:32.45) and Mare­na Mar­tinez (2:32.46) tak­ing sec­ond and third, re­spec­tive­ly

She was al­so dom­i­nant in the 50m back­stroke, for a sec­ond time hold­ing off Per­si­co for the top spot in 35.82 and third Za­lay­har Lewis (37.84). Per­si­co’s sil­ver medal per­for­mance was done in 37.32.  

Ra­jack, an al­most un­recog­nised emerg­ing tal­ent in the sport, was this time heard loud and clear, first in the women’s 11 and over 1,500m freestyle where she de­mol­ished the field for the gold medal in 18:36.84

Aimee La Blanc (19:43.36) was sec­ond and Keiera Au­dain (20:28.51), was the third-place fin­ish­er in this event. How­ev­er, when Ra­jack en­tered the pool for a sec­ond time in the 200m on Fri­day, she again proved to be un­stop­pable in seal­ing the gold medal in 2:36.03

Leera, on the oth­er hand, claimed three gold medals on the night, com­ing in the boys’ 10 and un­der 100m breast­stroke, the 50m back­stroke and the 200m freestyle and com­ing in 1:25.51, 36.01 and 2:36.56, re­spec­tive­ly. 

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