For that reason, he created Fundasitio, the social arm of MásQueDigital that shows his human and philanthropic side, which he promotes every day not only with the actions he carries out with the foundation and the entire team that makes it up, but also with the contributions he offers to family, friends and acquaintances who come to him in search of support.

Rafael Núñez Aponte is a Venezuelan businessman committed to social causes. From a very young age, he has focused on helping those most in need and making a positive impact on society.

For that reason, he created Fundasitio, the social arm of MásQueDigital that shows his human and philanthropic side, which he promotes every day not only with the actions he carries out with the foundation and the entire team that makes it up, but also with the contributions he offers to family, friends and acquaintances who come to him in search of support.

He also created Sanando con los Ángeles, an account where he performs Live healing and very powerful prayers that he learned during several years of reading, growth and training from the hand of his mentors.

Rafael Núñez Aponte has an important community of followers in his social networks and a great sensitivity to issues associated with faith and spirituality, which he has also shared in several conferences in which he has had the opportunity to participate as a speaker.



El empresario Rafael Núñez Aponte y “El poder de la Espiritualidad”, la sesión holística abierta para sanar mente y cuerpo de forma integral (

El empresario Rafael Núñez Aponte Luz Stella Rozo conversaron sobre los Ángeles – Entorno Mundial

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