During the presentation, the deputy of the Morena party, Sergio Mayer Bretón, pointed out that one cannot be indifferent to the violence to which minors are subjected, so he called for the debate of ideas to find accurate solutions that reduce these problems, where the important thing is to achieve justice in these cases, the protection of the most vulnerable and not to normalize the situation.

In Mexico, the forum “La libertad y el sano desarrollo psicosexual de la niñez y la adolescencia in Mexico; la lucha por la erradicación de la pederastia y otros delitos sexuales” was held virtually, where political figures and experts conducted an analysis of these scourges that have a negative impact on the lives of victims.

In the same way, they spoke about the challenge that the State, the Legislative and Judicial Power has to face this phenomenon that degrades the life of minors and impacts on the family and society.

Rafael Núñez Aponte, director of the Investigation Unit Against Paedophilia (CPIU), during his speech highlighted that currently pedophiles advance with false profiling strategies, techniques of social engineering and infatuation to be able to capture the attention of minors.

In the same vein, Núñez stressed that persons who commit this type of crime associated with violence against the sexuality of children and adolescents pretend to be between 17 years of age; The data provided by the director of the CPIU show that 90 percent of the perpetrators are men.

In this sense, Rafael Núñez Aponte also emphasized that modernity and new technologies have been taken by these pedophiles to commit misdeeds.

During the presentation, the deputy of the Morena party, Sergio Mayer Bretón, pointed out that one cannot be indifferent to the violence to which minors are subjected, so he called for the debate of ideas to find accurate solutions that reduce these problems, where the important thing is to achieve justice in these cases, the protection of the most vulnerable and not to normalize the situation.

Figures on sexual violence

According to figures provided by Mayer, Mexican territory hosts 5.4 million cases of child sexual violence a year, negative numbers that place it in the first country in the world with such a high rate, he added that during the pandemic the situation worsened.

For her part, the deputy of the political organization PAN, María del Pilar Ortega Martínez, stressed that in order to avoid impunity in these cases of child pornography and rape it is necessary for the authorities to modify the rules of the statute of limitations in order to truly apply the law against sexual predators.

The proposal is that the legal remedy begins to apply from the 30 years, approximate time in which the victims begin to report the abusers.

The legislator of Morena, Lorena Villavicencio Ayala, referred to the invisibility of children and adolescents, in addition, she considered that the State and its powers have not effectively articulated policies to stop this adverse situation.

Villavicencio added that the figures are alarming, and as an example he highlighted the participation of priests in these lewd acts, where of 14 thousand registered, 4,200 have as perpetrators some of these, according to the balance sheets of the Mexican Christian Institute.

The senator for the PAN party and president of the Commission on the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Josefina Vázquez Mota (PAN), said that they work to ensure that these assaults on the sexuality of minors “never prescribe”.

Juan Manuel Zavala Evangelista, head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Crimes of Violence against Women and Trafficking in Persons, highlighted that machismo is one of the main factors that give way to these negative scenarios against children, added that those who suffered these abuses tend to repeat them in adulthood, that is why it is important to accompany specialists who provide necessary psychological care.

Maria Angelica Rodriguez, mother of the girl Valentina Crespo, said that it is a hard process through which the abused has to go, because it must explain time or again what happened.

For the founder and director of the Association for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Childhood, Margarita García Marques, it is also important to promote prevention and ensure that minors who report sexual assaults have “comfortable environments” and be assured.

At the end of the forum, those present, and especially the Member of Parliament Mayer, emphasized that the criminal justice system should be strengthened in order to prevent minors from being re-victimized by the authorities and attacked through virtual platforms, called for empathy and sensitivity to the complicated situation, so the complainant will not be afraid to speak.

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